Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cycle Friendly Oregon

I am really enjoying the Oregon coast.  They have a coastal bike route which makes things easier for cyclists and hikers alike.  Also this State has these hiker/biker campsites which cost around $5. 

We have been meeting many cyclists en route and it is always great to have a chat with them.  Everyone is so friendly.  A lot of them started their journey in Vancouver, BC and are ending somewhere in California.  They come in all shapes and sizes and if I were to guess ages I would say anywhere from your late twenties all the way to your late sixties or early seventies!  That just goes to show ones' age or fitness level does not matter, anyone can hop on a bike and ride.

Trevor is riding a bit sluggish at the moment because he has been having some problems where the sun don’t shine if you catch my drift.  He may need a new bicycle seat. 

We are now pretty much done Oregon and will head into California this morning.  Hopefully the sun will come out a bit more as we have been experiencing a fair amount of rain.  

Argh!  I got the honors of the first flat tire.  They are never fun and unfortunately more will come.  This one happened on the third day.  
Entering Oregon I find a bicycle map of the Oregon coast.  It definitely helped.   
Me in front of Haystack Rock on a rainy, wet day.  
It is so nice cycling through the rainforest.  The air is so fresh and the scent of the trees emanating throughout is so great.    
I like my milk.  So when I saw this 3.78L jug of milk on reduced price I jumped all over it.  Sure it was a little bit of a struggle to down the whole thing in one go but I am proud to report Trevor and I got the job done.    
A lot of beautiful coastline in Oregon.  


  1. Go fellas! Sounds like Trev needs some padded undies haha. Good find on the 99c milk Kev! Classic.
    Ride safe, oh and an Aussie is about to win the Tour De France. Yeah!

  2. Actually I stopped wearing undies 4 or 5 days into the trip. I'm going commando now :) Now that I have my Brooks Saddle I'm happy to report that my butt is doing fine.
